Sunday, May 30, 2010
Here's a link...
I found a link to a slide show, put together by one of the parents from the first grade of "Where the Wild Things Are". Click here to see. There's several pictures of Sethee the tree in there as well. It's really cute! =0)
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Life after cRuNcH!!
I'm feeling a little pink...=0)
My most adorable little tree...
This is what trip to the eye doctor gets ya! =0)
As I'm sure most of you have heard by now, I've had a bit a rough week. I was sitting in front of the kid's school on Wednesday morning and was side swiped! I had Adree and Seth with me and we're all okay, so no poor van, well not so much. I wrote it all down in my She's Not Your Average Mom blog click here, if you want to see all the details.
In the meantime, the rental place gave me a giant pickup for a loaner and we made good use out of it and got a load of gravel for our yard! Yep, seeing as though I could watch the gas gauge plummet just as I was running errands the other day...we will be at the rental place again on Tuesday to swap it out!
I have obviously streaked my hair fuchsia, eh.. why be normal, right? ;0) Sethee and the first grade put on the play "Where the Wild Things Are". It was very cute and very crowded! I was completely amazed at how many first grader families showed up for their silly play and attempted to cram themselves into the cafeteria! Wow! If the Fire Marshall had gotten wind of it, I'm positive the entire shebang would have been kaput, capice? Ha! =0) They did a great job and it was very cute and it was so hot in the cafeteria that Lee and i stood outside of the "stage" door and watched from there. It makes me laugh, Sethee's teacher actually wanted him to try out to be a narrator because he reads so well. When I asked him about this he told me, "but, Mama I weally wanted to be a twee! It's da best pawt!" He was absolutely adorable, as I'm sure you can see! =0)
All of the kids got new glasses, including Adree. She is a bit far sighted and it was bothering her enough that Dr. Miller gave her some reading glasses, yes that means I have an entire house full of four-eyed monsters! Ha! =0) I love Drake's glasses, he looks so much older...he's turning into a young man before my eyes. Sethee actually got blue this time instead of red, but they are very cute still!
Well, life goes on crunched van or not and I will be looking forward to getting it back hopefully soon! ;0)
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Trip for a blessing
I love this picture...Gavin was having nothing to do with pictures at all!
Cara's pretty girls...
Little Breah smiles all over!
so cute!
and I got my guest room completed! =0)
This weekend Cara and Nathan blessed their newest arrival! Mom and I and my three went northward to join Cara and many other family members to celebrate with them. Nathan's Dad and one of his brothers flew down from Washington to stay. Add to them and my Mom and I and my three kids, another one of Nathan's brothers and his wife and little baby, one of Nathan's sisters and her four kids, as well as Cara and I's cousin Mike we easily filled up the entirety of two pews in the chapel. It was seriously crazy at Cara and Nathan's house afterward, but our generous hosts served up grilled burgers and we quickly fed the kids so they could be shuttled back outside to run around! It was a very long couple of days and I am eternally grateful to be just sitting here in a quiet house with my computer and I can imagine Cara is as well! ;0)
I also got my guest room all done as you can turned out to be a very sunny bright room, with shades of yellow, blue, and white. Mom says that the bed is quite comfy as well and seeing as though I haven't slept in it, I'll have to go with her assessment!
Thanks Cara and family for letting us share in your lives and for letting us invade your house as well! You have a beautiful family and Auntie Jessica loves all her nieces and little nephew so much! =0)
Monday, May 24, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
I'll have to say the one thing about being able to pick up the kids after school each day, is that we get to have some interesting conversations! One such conversation happened today...
Adree: Mom this week is Adree appreciation this week and I didn't get any presents. (I think this stemmed from it actually being Teacher Appreciation Week)
Me: Well, if I remember correctly I did buy you some clothes this week.
Adree: But, the boys didn't get me a present!
Me: Hmmm...can you blame them? I doubt they want to thank you for bossing them around...
Seth: Adwee it is not Adwee appreciation week!
Adree: Well, it can be Seth appreciation next week...and Drake can be the week after that.
Seth: Dwake should be the fiwst week Adwee, he's da oldest!
Drake: (getting into the car at this point) Yeah, Adree!
Adree: But, I learned how to open doors first...
Drake: True...
Mom: I think it should fart appreciation week! (making farting noises for emphasis)
Adree: Nobody appreciates farts Mom!
Me: That's not true. Think of how much better your stomach feels after you do though!
Drake, Adree, Seth: Mom!!!!
The fart jokes extended to a stop at the playground on the way home. The kids were playing on a toy called the donut. You basically walk, push, or crawl on round disc and it spins as you move. The kids were crawling on it in sequence as it was moving. Well, Drake (who isn't great at following game rules) was crawling mostly...but at this point Adree was crawling behind Drake as he farted loudly. Drake bursts into laughter, because come on farting is the joke that never gets old! Adree stands up with the most disgusted look on her face, swats Drake on her way by and moves to in front of Drake, as to not be downwind! I just about died! Okay, it was probably only me that thought this to be hilarious...but, hey it kinda was! =0)
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Adree's final concert of the season
As you can see I talked Lee into capturing the video of Adree's final choir concert of the year! She has enjoyed it so much...boosted her confidence, instilled a deep love for music I think it's great! I just posted the one clip here on the blog but uploaded most of the rest of the concert onto you tube. Click here to see the rest. I have it cued up to the second concert clip, but you can see all the rest by clicking on the icon above the screen that says lambjgirl videos with a number. This way you can see all the rest of the fun! =0) Adree was part of the choir counsel which is in charge of collecting permission slips for field trips and in charge of the service activities they are involved in. The choir collected an impressive 2400 cans for the food drive before Christmas and their music teacher awarded the counsel with medals and certificates, Adree was tickled! Please take a few minutes to view the video footage...for a children's choir, they really are good! =0) What a fun experience to have at only 9! ;0)
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
My Lee.
As of yesterday afternoon, Lee was informed that he has preleukemia. Which explains the extremely easy bruising (he bruised his lip eating corn on the cob, who does that?) the inability to clot when he cuts himself, the being very run down and tired. He has to nearly eliminate stress if he has any hope of increasing platelet levels in his blood. The condition is reversible and we'll pray that we are able to do just that. My one hope is that he is able to...I honestly don't know what I would do without him. He has been my light at the end of a very long, dark tunnel...
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Happenings as they are...
Lee celebrating his 39th birthday (for the 12th time!)
Lee and I sneaked off to Vegas last weekend!
Sethee Monkey lost his first tooth!
and I am still unemployed....happily! =0)
Well, we haven't had anything overly exciting happen among the Lambsfold recently, but there have been a few little things going on! My dear Lee celebrated his birthday yesterday! It wasn't any great celebration, he worked at home most of the day and I made him a lime-jello cake (gluten free of course!) and a stir fry dinner. We also went to Lowe's where I bought him a post hole digger and a wheelbarrow! What can I say...what do you buy the man who has everything? A post hole digger and a wheelbarrow apparently!=0) We love you so much though...and I promise we'll sing karaoke obnoxiously over the weekend! =0)
Lee and I had the opportunity to escape to Vegas for a couple of days this weekend, thanks to Grandma and Grandpa who took the kids and the dog home with them! The kids went to the cabin with Grandma and Grandpa and got to hang out with them (which they love!) and Lee and I enjoyed a little one on one time. It was nice! We hung out at the Orleans, ate a buffet and watched Date Night in the theaters, wandered around Walgreen's and bought Vegas souvenirs for the kids. We then went back to our hotel room and called the front desk on our next door neighbors only about 3 times over night as they were playing rave music loudly most and arguing most of it! I mean come on what do you think this is? Vegas? Ha ha!=0) Once Lee and I got going for the day, we stopped and got a bite to eat at a grocery store and shopped till we dropped for the rest of the day! Hitting Ross, TJ Maxx, and finishing up at Trader Joe's before heading home!(love Trader Joe's!) I love Lee, he has got to be the only man I know that can out shop me...and you know me, I can bargain shop like no one's business!=0) It was a fun and much needed get away from the rat race, thanks baby!;0)
Sethee monkey lost his very first tooth! Yeah I know, he's been missing that one on top for a couple of years now...but, it does not count when the dentist pulls it out! Unfortunately none of the kids believe in the tooth-fairy, so I gave him a dollar and he was psyched! ;0) I can't believe my baby is getting so big!
As for me...well, I'm not working and I somehow can't believe I ever had the time! If I could have my very fondest wish, it would be to not have to go back and work another crappy job again. I love being a Mom and working on my She's not your average Mom blog (click and take a peek!), I have numerous projects I want to tackle for my house, I want to write, I want to attend art school, I want to take pictures all day, I want the opportunity to express myself and somehow get people to pay me to do so...I love picking my kids up from school on a daily basis, it's something I haven't ever had the opportunity to do! Such is the happenings as the are...=0)
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