Friday, January 1, 2010

Resolve to live resolution free...

I know that it is a common tradition among my fellow Americans, to ring in the New Year with a resolution or two. Resolutions can range in anything from weight loss, quitting of a bad habit, improving a situation or what not. I see nothing wrong with the idea of improving yourself in any form, what I question is the feeling of guilt we seem to place along with the resolution when you fail to meet your goal. I also find the idea of a yearly resolution self-defeating. I mean what if you fail to meet your goal? Do you feel worthless, hopeless, or any way bad about yourself? I didn't lose that 15 lbs. and I haven't been able to quit smoking, I must somehow be less of a person because of so. Okay, perhaps this kind of eternal dialogue doesn't exist in most people, but the guilt does I'm sure. So this year, as in the rest of my 30 something years on this planet, I resolve to live resolution free. I won't promise to attain some unattainable goal and I won't feel guilty in the least when I fail to do so either. So know if you happen to ask, "What's your New Years resolution?" The answer will remain the same, "I don't believe in them, they are self-defeating and a waste of time." So there, take that guilt. You have no power here. =0)


  1. Wow I LOVE your kitchen. It looks great. Looks like Christmas was good. Cant say that everyone looks exactly the same being the last time I saw Sterling he looked like one of your boys. But the rest of you look the same. Looks like it was a nice and hectic week for you.

  2. I like to make resolutions I know I'll keep. This year, for instance, I've resolved to eat more refined sugar and high fructose corn syrup.

  3. Well, I take it back...and resolve to stop buying groceries at Albertson's...9 bucks for spaghetti sauce, WTF?! =0)
