Thursday, June 17, 2010

Random comments...

I Love my DrakeE! He is such a happy boy, if albeit a tad oblivious to his surroundings! Drake likes his own little world and lives in it quite happily. Occasionally though, like at the dinner table when we're all eating together, we get some rather interesting comments out of him. Such as the one that occurred at the table tonight:
Lee: When I was a boy, my Dad just cut our hair.
Adree: You didn't go to the barber then?
Lee: No, my Dad just cut our hair...
Drake: Were you afraid the barber was going to eat you?
Mom: Well! That was quite the random comment!
Lee rolled his eyes and then had to Drake chortled into his cup of milk. One thing for sure about Asperger's, you never know what he's going to say!
Actually, a few nights ago Lee was talking to the kids quite seriously and Drake made a comment that wasn't close at all to the conversation. Lee looked at him with an annoyed look and asked, "Now why on earth would you make a comment like that..." and I interrupted him seeing that he was irked that Drake wasn't taking him seriously. "Baby, that was Asperger's...they can't read social cues and have a hard time with facial expressions as well," I told him. He softened and explained to Drake what he was saying and simplified it after that. Drake has taught me patience, an immense amount of it some's my hope that he can figure this life stuff out and live a relatively normal existence. I hope!
I heard Asperger's described as landing on an alien planet and you speak the language, but what they say sounds strange to you. Things they do and say is perfectly normal to them, but it seems silly to you and out of place. To a kid with Asperger's, he's perfectly's just everyone else that's weird! Either way I love him and wouldn't trade him for the world! =0)

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