Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Bye, bye August...

J. Lamb 2011
August turned out to be an exceptionally busy month! With visits and school starting and parties and birthdays, I am amazed I am still upright! Personally, I'm looking forward to having maybe a little cooler weather and a couple months of reprieve before the holiday season smacks down! Ha-ha, I'm sure I'm dreaming!

J. Lamb 2011

The kids and I amused ourselves with a little low-cost entertainment before school started. We took lunch to one of the local reservoirs and discovered it's only 20 minutes from our door! The kids were able to wade along the shore and wave at jet-skiers passing by and Mom snapped many pictures. ;0)

J. Lamb 2011
Adree has enjoyed learning how to make and do new things this summer and I can't believe how big she's getting! She mastered friendship bracelets and cupcakes and even got to ride a horse?! Little girl heaven, for sure!

J. Lamb 2011
Mom and Dad are settling in nicely into their new digs and this has afforded the opportunity for many visits. Adree and my niece Ainsley visited for a week and got to ride their neighbor's horses and swim at the new aquatic center and go fishing and were thoroughly spoiled!

J. Lamb 2011
While Adree was off gallivanting with Grandma and Grandpa, Lee and I took the boys to Pine Valley to escape the heat and enjoy! We did a little hiking and and a little picnicking and just enjoyed getting out of the rat-race for the evening.

J. Lamb 2011
The boys were thoroughly amused by drinking out of the spigots. Hee hee, that's boys for you!

J. Lamb 2011

J. Lamb 2011
J. Lamb 2011

We also started school (much to Mom's delight!) and I can't believe that I have a 7th grader a 6th grader and a 3rd grader! Where did the years ago? Drake and Adree are in the full swing of Intermediate School, enjoying their classes. Drake is playing in violin in the advanced orchestra this year and Adree is playing the flute! Both have all A's so far!
Sethee is back speaking English and Spanish at Dixie Sun again this year. "Momma, I feel like a only child when I go to this school", was his remark as I dropped him off the first day. He has the kids' favorite teacher Miss Rogers and now Miss Rogers has taught all three of them for 3rd grade!

J. Lamb 2011

We had a small get together to help Grandma and Grandpa celebrate 65 years together! Imagine married for that long, I'm not sure I can do it! You look great you two and we all love you! ;0D

J. Lamb 2011
I gained an old friend for my formal living room. This after years of a fairly nomadic lifestyle and thanks to Mom and Dad for hauling it over from Page, I have been able to enjoy making music again. I'm hoping I can get a little less rusty, but have made sure to play at least a few minutes daily. It's great to have you back old friend! ;0D

J. Lamb 2011

J. Lamb 2011
What better way to launch The Rock on Main Medley then having 11 crazy girls over for a Rock and Roll birthday party?! I knew that child had a lot of friends, but apparently they all really like her too! Out of the 16 invitations we sent out 11 of them showed up to dance and sing and help Adree have a rockin'-good birthday. We don't normally do birthday parties, but couldn't resist using the "Rock" for such an occasion. So much pizza, candy, crazy dancing, and screaming!! Ha-ha she loved it! ;0D

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