Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Confessions of a blog-slacker

J. Lamb 2011
....and then I blinked and an entire 2 months had passed. Whoa...what?! Okay, someone is taking this blog-slacking thing a little too seriously! To be fair, I haven't really blogged a ton on my other blogs either (ShE's NoT yOuR aVeRaGe MoM and 2011 and Points Forward ). Eh, chalk it up to being busy...or readjusting priorities... or my camera dying suddenly (hence, the lack of pictures on 2011...). I don't mean to be a blog-slacker, really I don't. I just don't have all the time in the world I guess and I'll make it up to you now, yes, all 21 pictures worth!

J. Lamb 2011
This picture, as well as the one above, were taken while we attended the Johnson's cousin reunion in Moccasin over Labor Day weekend. This was a really fun opportunity to visit with all the cousins on my Grandpa Johnson's side and the kids had a blast! About 30 seconds after I took this picture, Seth decided that he wanted off the see-saw and Adree didn't cooperate. Sethee ended up with a split-open chin and had to mopped up by Grandpa Lloyd and we had to locate a band-aid too. Why is it that the baby always gets hurt? He recovered quickly and has a scar on his chin to show off (boys!). The kids had a blast riding around on the barrel train they had going for the kids and I loved hearing all the great stories of my Grandpa and his brothers. I also snapped several awesome pictures (my fave!).

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We managed to slip out to Gunlock again with the whole family and enjoy nature and each other. This was probably one of the last decent days out there because we went out this week and about froze! I took some awesome pictures though! Haha! The kids waded and Lee collected lots of driftwood and we were able to catch a stellar sunset too!

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(Radio announcer voice) Welcome to the Rock on Main Medley located in the historic district at 73 N. Main! Call today to book your party, event, reception with access to karaoke and professional DJ! As you can see, The Rock on Main is going _______, well, it's going.... Lee is in the process of tweaking his business plan and billing his venue for more of the events side. I think it'll find it's niche, it just might take a little longer. He's also been talking to a couple of people who are interesting in partnering up for various business opportunities that he/they can run from the site. It turned out gorgeous though and you should stop by if you're in the area! ;0)

J. Lamb 2011
My social butterfly is thriving in Intermediate School, has more friends that I could fathom, attends someone's party just about every weekend, and is growing up before our eyes (sniff). This being said, she stills boasts the title "Brat Child" and is constantly in trouble for torturing one or both brothers! Lee and I were just discussing the other day that I have never told her brothers "stop making your sister cry!" I mean, it just isn't possible! She's a good girl really, very responsible and helpful always. She painted this picture in her acrylics class she took at school!

J. Lamb 2011
Sethee is loving 3rd grade (and Miss Rogers of course!) and is currently attending an after school program where he gets to participate in lots of different activities. This week is photography. He has also had Zumba, Lego's, cooking, soccer, and they will be taking swimming lessons later on! He loves it and it helps me out because I'm not always out of work right when school lets out so, it's a win-win situation all around!

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We love, love our little town! This is the kids at the annual Swiss Days parade which is always a huge hit. Picturesque and quiet it has been an ideal place for the kids to grow up and I am so very glad we moved here 2 years ago.

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Drake has miraculously outgrown refusing to have his picture taken! He has learned how to smile and or pose too...and I guess it has been a sign of maturity (he's going to be 13 in April). Such a happy boy too! Still not always acting appropriately in social situations, but he's improving. Unique and perfectly Drake. ;0)

J. Lamb 2011
Mom is still taking pictures and I know my blog is really behind at the moment, but as soon as I edit like 70 photos, I will update it again! I do have part of an excuse, my camera died Halloween day and therefore I have not been able to take pictures. It's better now and Mom the shutterbug lives on! ;0D

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I had an awesome shoot with the kids a few weeks ago and got some really great pics as well. Yes, my family will be getting them for Christmas too! ;0D

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We got to go to Lagoon for Frightmares with Auntie Cara and fam in October. Lagoon is an annual tradition for us and Cara was thrilled that all her kids were old enough to appreciate it this year as well! Lagoon brings back my childhood, with it's midway and thrill rides you can't beat it! We went most summers once we hit our teens and the tradition has been fantastic to share with my family now.

Adree and Ainsley on the "Screamer"

Baby Breah and her Daddy riding on the "Jumping Dragon" (she had a blast!)

Seth and Ainsley "dressed up" for Halloween

Lee and Adree too!
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I mentioned my camera died on Halloween and this was the only picture I was able to get! Seth was the most adorable Harry Potter too!

Grandma Brenda was nice enough to snap a picture of the "Blues Brothers" dressed up too. I just wished it turned out better!

I will try to do better on the blogging, I promise!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Bye, bye August...

J. Lamb 2011
August turned out to be an exceptionally busy month! With visits and school starting and parties and birthdays, I am amazed I am still upright! Personally, I'm looking forward to having maybe a little cooler weather and a couple months of reprieve before the holiday season smacks down! Ha-ha, I'm sure I'm dreaming!

J. Lamb 2011

The kids and I amused ourselves with a little low-cost entertainment before school started. We took lunch to one of the local reservoirs and discovered it's only 20 minutes from our door! The kids were able to wade along the shore and wave at jet-skiers passing by and Mom snapped many pictures. ;0)

J. Lamb 2011
Adree has enjoyed learning how to make and do new things this summer and I can't believe how big she's getting! She mastered friendship bracelets and cupcakes and even got to ride a horse?! Little girl heaven, for sure!

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Mom and Dad are settling in nicely into their new digs and this has afforded the opportunity for many visits. Adree and my niece Ainsley visited for a week and got to ride their neighbor's horses and swim at the new aquatic center and go fishing and were thoroughly spoiled!

J. Lamb 2011
While Adree was off gallivanting with Grandma and Grandpa, Lee and I took the boys to Pine Valley to escape the heat and enjoy! We did a little hiking and and a little picnicking and just enjoyed getting out of the rat-race for the evening.

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The boys were thoroughly amused by drinking out of the spigots. Hee hee, that's boys for you!

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J. Lamb 2011

We also started school (much to Mom's delight!) and I can't believe that I have a 7th grader a 6th grader and a 3rd grader! Where did the years ago? Drake and Adree are in the full swing of Intermediate School, enjoying their classes. Drake is playing in violin in the advanced orchestra this year and Adree is playing the flute! Both have all A's so far!
Sethee is back speaking English and Spanish at Dixie Sun again this year. "Momma, I feel like a only child when I go to this school", was his remark as I dropped him off the first day. He has the kids' favorite teacher Miss Rogers and now Miss Rogers has taught all three of them for 3rd grade!

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We had a small get together to help Grandma and Grandpa celebrate 65 years together! Imagine married for that long, I'm not sure I can do it! You look great you two and we all love you! ;0D

J. Lamb 2011
I gained an old friend for my formal living room. This after years of a fairly nomadic lifestyle and thanks to Mom and Dad for hauling it over from Page, I have been able to enjoy making music again. I'm hoping I can get a little less rusty, but have made sure to play at least a few minutes daily. It's great to have you back old friend! ;0D

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J. Lamb 2011
What better way to launch The Rock on Main Medley then having 11 crazy girls over for a Rock and Roll birthday party?! I knew that child had a lot of friends, but apparently they all really like her too! Out of the 16 invitations we sent out 11 of them showed up to dance and sing and help Adree have a rockin'-good birthday. We don't normally do birthday parties, but couldn't resist using the "Rock" for such an occasion. So much pizza, candy, crazy dancing, and screaming!! Ha-ha she loved it! ;0D

Monday, July 18, 2011

(It's) Crazy (that) summer (is half over)

J. Lamb 2011
I would love to sit here and share with you some inspirational anecdotes about making the best of the season, but alas we've yet to do anything spectacular. Second year in a row without a vacation and second year in a row being light on funds. I envy people and their ability to travel (even with their kids) when we seem to be trapped in a cycle of circumstance. Too much debt at the moment and obligation will do that to you....sigh, being a grown-up is hard sometimes.

We have tried our hardest to make the best of the situation though. The summer has been unusually cool (when you consider we have a good solid 3 months of triple digits and we've experienced maybe a couple of weeks of them is all) and this has lent us the opportunity to do a lot of walks to the park in the evenings and bike rides.

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We've engaged in some projects on the cheap as well. Adree and I have been making jewelry and we all had a hugely successful tie-dye session recently as well! We bought a pack of UNO cards and a Jenga set and have enjoyed playing with them too.

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We've enjoyed watering the sunflowers that mysteriously appear in our very unattractive and weedy backyard every summer.

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We had small, but fantastic plans for this particular holiday as well. (I love this picture by the way, don't you?)

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Altered a bit, the kids and I set off to enjoy the scenery and fun stuff that can only be enjoyed by visiting my hometown. My folks are selling my childhood home and I needed the opportunity to say goodbye. Not that I won't ever visit again, but it won't be the same without my parents living there.

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We had a blast jumping off rocks at "The Lake". Seth is waving before he jumps about 8 feet down into the water.

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It's been so many years since I've been to the lake, I almost forgot how much fun it really is! The kids and I enjoyed it for 3 hours before becoming sun-baked enough to want to leave. We will have to go back again as a whole family for sure!

We packed it up and went back to my parent's for a shower and headed off to enjoy some of the best cuisine that can only be enjoyed there. Delicious burgers/sandwiches at Slackers and "Rainbows" (a delicious treat of slushy and soft serve ice cream combined) at R.D.'s.

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We walked down to the "White House" overlook and took in the scenery. I knew I was successful after everyone had complained about going and I got a comment from Drake, "I'm glad you made us come here, it's beautiful!". Success. ;0)

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Adree and Seth thought it was awesome to sit on the rocks and overlook the dam and the Colorado River flowing through Glen Canyon below.

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Our dear little fuzzy child is hanging in there after a nasty accident involving a very heavy air-hockey table in which he escaped relatively unscathed. No broken bones, no internal bleeding. He is suffering from an enlarged liver and a collapsing trachea either of which could be caused by old age (he's ancient in doggy years), but are more than likely caused or at the very least aggravated by the accident. He's hanging in there though with much love and jars of baby food! The enlarged liver has caused a severe light sensitivity (nocturnal walks have become the norm) and if it's possible, he has become even more neurotic. Pacing constantly and obsessive/compulsive licking have taking over his waking hours. Sucks to get old I guess! ;0D

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day and the rest...

This is one of my favorite pictures of my Dad. When I close my eyes and think of him as we grew up, this is how he looked. I am so incredibly blessed to have such a great Dad (and set of parents in fact), always supportive, loving, and willing to do whatever it took to make sure we were happy and well taken care of. I never once had to question whether my Dad loved me, he was always there to lend a listening ear and a hug and a kiss. I am a such a Daddy's girl and Dad, thank you for everything! xoxo

J. Lamb 2011
"I love you so much! I'm glad you're still here" Adree.
"Where do they think I'm going?", asked Lee perplexed by the sentiment.
"You have to understand, to them Dads leave and don't come back.", I explained.
I have absolutely nothing against their Dad, honestly. In the last 5 years the kids have seen him maybe 3 times and the last time was over a year ago. He sends them things, talks to them via Facebook, but is he here everyday?, every other day?, once a week?, once a year? No. He doesn't see them learn and grow. He doesn't see them laugh and cry. He doesn't know their friends, their habits, their dreams and wishes for the future. He doesn't know what great kids they are and what great adults I hope they will be because they will. They are and will be, without any help from him.

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This man right here is here every day, every other day, every week, every year and will be there to watch them grow up and become wonderful adults. Amazing for a man who never had the opportunity to have children of his own, now has three and couldn't love them more if they were biologically his. We love you Lee, probably more than you'll ever know.

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Now this reminds me of growing up! The kids running through the sprinklers in the school yard. That was one of our favorite things to do in the summer time! Ah, simple pleasures of youth...

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Adree has no idea I took this picture! Soaking wet and threatening to lay on me...tsk, tsk!

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It's amazing what a tease Drake has become. He insisted upon trailing behind me as we walked home from the school and tapped me on the shoulders relentlessly. This is him running away as I whipped the camera around and caught him! (He hates me taking his picture) Stinker!

J. Lamb 2011
My little toothless monkey! Seth is finally starting to loose some more of his teeth and listening to him drop his "r"s as well as lisp has been quite the hoot! "All I want fow Chwisthmath isth my two fwont teeth", he lisped as he ate his Creamie afterword. So cute ;0D!

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This old dog turned 18 the other day and with all those years has come some serious idiosyncrasies. Don't ignore him at the door, you never know when he is going to lap up the entire contents of his water dish and pee a giant puddle at the front door, um yeah. No longer able to sleep the entire night, Lee has been so "thrilled" to get up with him at least once...every night. Don't you dare get him out of bed in the morning before he's ready either! Yes that growling, snapping mass under the covers is our pet, why do you ask? ;0P