The pictures above are what happens when Mother Nature refuses to cooperate. We attempted to make it to Sink Valley on Saturday and spend a little time at Mom and Dad's cabin before it gets snowed in for the season. Since we hail from Dixie, the quickest way to get there is up and over the top of Cedar Mountain. Which isn't a problem at all in dry conditions or even if it has snowed a little, a couple of days later when the road gets cleared. We closely monitored the weather and knew that a storm was coming, but all the weather reports up to the day before promised of snow late in the day on Saturday. It came early, obviously. So what do you do when you have to make new plans on the fly? Ah, you make do!
My in-laws (ex) Dick and Brenda were with us for the day and so we stopped in the snow, let the kids out (Lee included!) and let them throw snow at each other for a while! It didn't last long, no one was really dressed for snow. Afterword we gathered everyone back up and headed back down to Cedar and ate at McDonald's for lunch and let the kids run around in the play area for quite sometime while we visited. Essentially the entire trip ended up being a quick jaunt in the snow, a meal at McDonald's, and a short drive through Cedar Valley. Yep, pointless? Perhaps. Lots of fun anyway? You betcha! And hey, we got our Christmas card picture taken even has snow in it this year! ;0)
Sometimes those are the best trips.