Sunday, January 23, 2011

Update on the uneventful...

It's hard to believe that it's already the 23rd of January and it's not as though life has been overly busy, just the mundane things that happen with everyday. There really isn't anything that has been going on either...Lee is busy preparing to open a business in his downtown building and this is taking up all of his free time. The kids have been going full force at school. Drake still loves school and playing the violin and doing algebra in math. Adree still insists upon being involved with as many things as possible, Choir, Orffestra, Violin and she will be playing spring soccer this year as well. All this along with activity days activities and she is busy all the time! Seth loves school and playing with his best buddy Teaghan (who is gluten-free as well) and he pals around at our house and Seth at their house at least once every week. Seth is also reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone and spends a good deal of his extra time during the week with his nose in the book. I have been on a couple more interviews, I have another to go to this week too. Something will happen and the snag I am aware of is in the process of getting taken care of, so be it. I'm going to help Lee out with his business and provide some gluten-free goodies to sell, maybe do a little mural work as well. 
This weekend we've all been home and haven't been anyplace else. Adree has been ill with the croup and has also been contagious until today, guess what? I'm perfectly happy to send her to school tomorrow, she's well enough to be bored and has been irritating everyone today....*sigh*, her poor brothers!
It was nice and warm last weekend and the pictures above are from the warm weather walk we enjoyed. I love how the picture of Lee makes him look tall, yep we were at the Elementary School with the baskets a whole 7 feet off the ground! Too funny!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

and we slid into the New Year at full force!

The kids on Christmas morning

and Seth turned 8 too!

The cake was a little less ugly then usual

and he's making a wish!

Seth was baptized on New Year's day

and Grandma Jan with all of her grandkids in her new house!

and the kids even got a chance to play in the snow!
As you can see, we have been extremely busy for the last couple of weeks. Christmas came and went, Seth turned 8 too and as luck would have it, got to be baptized on New Year's day! We got to spend a little time with all of our family and the kids even got to play in the snow yesterday (yes, it's all gone now!) as well.
We had a good, quiet Christmas and we opened presents and ate breakfast with my (ex)in-laws. We even went and watched a movie in the evening. It was nice.
The next day we loaded up and had dinner at my folk's new house in Cedar with Mom and Dad and Sterling and even my Grandma came over for a little bit. We are all very busy and getting together more often will be easier with them living closer.
Two days after Christmas, Seth turned 8! I can't believe my baby boy has grown up so much, sniff. All of the kids are growing like weeds and try as I might to stop them, they just don't slow down! ;0) He was very excited and had a great birthday too.
On January 1st, Seth had the opportunity to get baptized. Seth asked Grandpa Dick (paternal) to baptize him and he did and Cara and her family came down and Uncle Nathan confirmed him. My Aunt and Uncle and their kids, as well as, our dear friend Miss (Anne) Rogers were able to come and show their support for Seth. It was a wonderful service and my heart was very full. My little nieces Ainsley and Aftyn came and stayed with us overnight  (Adree was in heaven!). The next morning we all gathered up to go back to Cedar to eat together and so Cara and Nathan could travel home.
Yesterday we woke up to a surprise of snow in the yard (about 3 inches) and the kids bundled up and went out in it. Mom had to go out too, you know, because my warm weather kids needed snowman help and all! Other than having to push Drake out the door, they had a good time! Mr. Snowman is in pieces in the front yard now after most of the snow has melted away.
I started a photo blog for the new year as well, if you would like to check it out 2011 and points forward. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Years and I hope 2011 is all you wish it to be!